Building a website nowadays is not as hard or expensive as it was in the past. These days, you do not have to learn a crazy programming language to have your site up and running.

Instead, you can go the Jamstack way. In this article, we go through how to build and deploy a Jekyll site.


To follow through this tutorial, you will need:

  • A code editor. Feel free to use your preferred code editor. You can download VS Code here.
  • Some basic skills in HTML and CSS.

By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to build a Jekyll blog from scratch.

Step 1 – Install Ruby

Since Jekyll is written in Ruby, you will need a Ruby installation on your machine to run Jekyll. In Windows

Step 2 – Install Jekyll

Open a new command prompt window from the start menu, so that changes to the PATH environment variable becomes effective. Install Jekyll and Bundler using gem install jekyll bundler

git clone

cd forever-jekyll

bundle install

bundle exec jekyll serve

then open http://localhost:4000/ in your browser to show jekyll live server

Template Themes:

Usefull Websites

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